Monday, January 09, 2006

The Crazy New Year

This is what I got after a search for my craziest new year resolution....

In the year 2005 I resolve to:
Getting myself admitted to a mental institution.

Get your resolution here

Its interesting to know about people's resolutions.. new year or otherwise. An unnamed (euphemism for 'I can't remember') survey found out that a majority of people resolve to loose weight and keep fit in the new year.. it would be interesting to know how many kept their promises...

But, the common knowledge (again, an euphemism for 'I can't prove it') is that hardly any, if ever, try to keep their promise, let alone really keep it.

So, why do people do the same thing, year in and year out.... or to be more precise, happy new year in and old year out..... Don't they know that its an open secret that they can't keep up what they have promised in the heady time with the booze in their hands... or at least, before the effect wears out?????

Well, in a way, it acts as a solace for them when they come back everytime and promise to start afresh, it purges them of all the guilt feelings that they have, due to the unkept promises in the year before..... to others.... to friends... to colleagues... and more importantly, to self....

When are we going to get rid ourselves of this guilt feeling....

Well.... as they say, HE rewards those, who show perseverance... n most importantly, honesty...

Happy new year 2005.

Ciao n Cheers....



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